4 Tips for Better Sleep with Chronic Pain

4 Tips for Better Sleep with Chronic Pain

Pain associated with headaches, back issues, or chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, low back and hip pain can make it challenging to get a good night’s rest. That said, proper sleep is essential to lead a quality life and manage or cope with pain. This is because a lack of sleep causes your pain threshold to drop, worsening your condition. Here are a few tips for sleeping well with chronic pain.

1. Check your pain medications
Certain medications like codeine and morphine, which are prescribed for pain management, can cause side effects that affect your sleep cycle and quality. While over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen and aspirin might help induce sleep, they may increase the time it takes for you to fall asleep as they affect melatonin functioning. Opiate painkillers like oxycodone can affect the brain, which, in turn, can disrupt Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. So, one of the useful tips for sleeping well with chronic pain is to consult your doctor for alternatives if you’re facing trouble sleeping while on pain medications.

2. Physical activity and exercise
Those with chronic pain find it difficult to exercise, which results in weight gain that can worsen the pain. One of the simplest yet effective tips for sleeping well with chronic pain is to take up moderate and low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or yoga. You can use a heating pad on the painful area for a few minutes before starting, but finish your workout at least 3 hours before hitting the bed.

3. Relaxation techniques
Breathing exercises can also help you relax, making it easier to fall asleep; you can try guided mediation or tai chi. Alternatively, a gentle massage can help you relax and fall asleep, and it can also provide you much-needed relief from the pain. You can also take a warm bath or shower before going to bed. It can loosen tensed muscles, providing some relief from the pain and also helping you sleep better.

4. Avoid long naps during the day
This is one of the most effective tips for sleeping well with chronic pain. A short nap should be enough to make you feel refreshed if you’re feeling tired during the day. That said, avoid taking long naps as it can cause you to have trouble sleeping at night. The best way to ensure that you don’t sleep for too long in the afternoon is to not get into bed. Lie on top of the covers if you need a short nap and set an alarm to wake up.

Following these tips for sleeping well with chronic pain can help you get the rest you need. This can significantly contribute to improving your daily life and routine as lack of proper sleep can make you tired to perform any tasks.