7 Human Foods That are Toxic to Cats

7 Human Foods That are Toxic to Cats

Having a pet is one of the best parts about anybody’s life and cats are one of the most popular animals people choose to bring home. But, this is not a fleeting responsibility, and in addition to other things, pet parents need to ensure they don’t accidentally poison their pets. There are several food items toxic to cats, and this article talks about them below.

1. Onions
It is important to note that onions in any form like cooked, raw, powdered or dehydrated are bad for felines since they have the tendency to target the red blood cells in the cat’s body and that can lead to anemia.

2. Alcohol
Beer, wine or any sort of alcoholic drink or food is not the best choice of meal for the cats. Alcohol has a bad effect on the brain and liver in cats and the effect is almost similar to that in humans; the only difference being that even a small amount of alcohol can create havoc in a cat’s body.

3. Raisins and grapes
Another kind of food on the list of most toxic foods for cats is grapes and raisins. These, when fed to the felines, can result in kidney failure. Even small portions of these foods can cause illness in cats and some of the early warning signs include hyperactivity and vomiting.

4. Chocolate
Cats and chocolate definitely do not have a friendly relationship. Any kind of chocolate can indeed be deadly for cats due to the presence of an agent called theobromine in the food item. If the sweet treat is in a cat’s system, it can lead to tremors, seizures and an abnormal heart rate.

5. Bones and fat trimmings
Among the most toxic foods for cats are bones and fat trimmings. It has been observed that these foods cause health issues in felines like diarrhea and vomiting. Fat in any form, cooked or uncooked, is not the best choices for your shy furry friends.

6. Raw eggs
Raw eggs can be harmful for the cats since they can experience food poisoning from them due to the bacteria called E.coli. Other than that, not avoiding the protein in raw egg whites can result in skin problems for the cats.

7. Garlic
Yet another entry on the list of most toxic foods for cats is garlic. Garlic attacks the red blood cells and if the cats ingest this aromatic, then they can have health issues like drooling, nausea and diarrhea.

The aforementioned list of most toxic foods for cats can be useful in avoiding the foods that are harmful for felines. In case your cat accidentally ingests any of the above-mentioned items, rush them to the vet immediately. If they have ingested a very small quantity, you might want to wait to observe symptoms, but that is not advisable.