7 Lifestyle Tips to Manage Gout

7 Lifestyle Tips to Manage Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis with symptoms, such as pain, tenderness, redness, and inflammation. A high level of uric acid in the blood causes crystals to form and accumulate in and around a joint, causing gout. Besides medication, diet and lifestyle also play a pivotal role in managing gout symptoms. Here are some lifestyle tips for gout that can be useful.

1. Shed those extra pounds
If you are overweight, then you are at a higher risk of developing gout, and losing weight can lower the risk. Losing weight will lessen the stress on the joints, lowering the risk of gout attacks.

2. Limit alcohol
Alcohol makes it difficult for the kidneys to get rid of uric acid, especially for gout patients. Saying no to alcohol is one of the prudent lifestyle tips for gout, as alcohol can worsen the pain, causing you a lot of discomfort. Beer has a bad reputation for gout attacks, so abstain from it. The high levels of purines found in alcohol can be hazardous for gout patients.

3. Manage stress
Stress triggers gout attacks, aggravating the symptoms of gout. Being free from stress is not possible, but there are many ways to manage stress. You can always take the help of a counselor and consider relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and meditation. Learn to channel your energies in a better manner.

4. Exercise regularly
Exercising is counted among the top lifestyle tips for gout. Staying physically active is always good and has numerous advantages. Exercising will help you stay fit and prevent you from gout attacks. Consult your doctor for the exercises you can include in your regime. Go slow and steady and stay fit. Swimming, low-impact cardio, and stretching can be done under the supervision of a trainer.

5. Get the right amount of sleep
A good night’s sleep is a must for a healthy body and a healthy mind. If you are in pain, rest as much as possible. Without taking proper rest, your gout pain will only worsen.

6. Dietary inclusions
Add turmeric, garlic, and ginger to your daily diet to relieve gout pain, as they work against inflammation. Ginger is a prescribed herb for inflammatory conditions. Ginger helps by reducing serum uric acid levels and relieves gout pain. Try having ginger concoction twice or thrice a day. Or, make a ginger paste and boil it with water. Soak a washcloth and apply it to the affected area once per day for 15 to 30 minutes.

7. Consume more seafood
Fish contains anti-inflammatory compounds and helps in the reduction of uric acid levels. Salmons, crabs, lobsters, oysters, and shrimps should be added to the diet after consulting your doctor. However, avoid anchovies, codfish, haddock, herring, mackerel, mussel, roe (fish eggs), sardine, scallop, and trout, as they are high in purines.

These lifestyle tips for gout will definitely help you manage gout attacks and symptoms.