5 Plastic Surgeries to Treat Specific  Health Conditions

5 Plastic Surgeries to Treat Specific Health Conditions

Plastic surgeries are often associated with cosmetic corrections. However, while some of these surgeries are performed for aesthetic correction of certain features, some are performed for purely medical reasons as well. To understand the advancements in this science, it is essential to understand plastic surgeries for specific health conditions. Read on to know commonly performed plastic surgeries for specific health conditions.

1. Palatoplasty
This is a type of plastic surgery performed to correct deformities like cleft lips. This is a congenital condition, and it can be corrected with this plastic surgery early in life. Correcting the palate here would aim at trying to create a natural lip shape that is essential for normal speech. Sometimes a cleft lip can also lead to an opening between the mouth and nose region. The surgery is then used to cover this opening for better chewing and swallowing of food.

2. Blepharoplasty or eyelid correction for visibility impairments
Droopiness in one or both the eyelids can sometimes occur in people due to aging and other reasons. In such cases, the drooping eyelids do not just make the person look dull and exhausted but also pose serious threats to vision. Sometimes it can affect driving and working on a computer. To correct this and to gently lift the sagging eyelids, a corrective plastic surgery called blepharoplasty is performed.

3. Otoplasty or ear surgery
This is a type of plastic surgery performed in the outer ear region called the pinna. Congenital deformities in the ear can lead to hearing problems. Microtia and anotia are the two ear deformities that can be corrected with the help of an early otoplasty procedure.

4. Reconstructive surgery post-injury
Some injuries and infections can lead to severe damage of features like the nose or ears, and in such cases, reconstructive surgeries might be performed. Some of them are also performed to correct any problems arising from a previously performed cosmetic surgery that did not go well.

5. Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty or a nose job is one of the most common plastic surgeries for specific health conditions. There are various situations where a rhinoplasty might be recommended. It might sometimes be combined with a palatoplasty surgery for cleft lip correction. The surgery might also be used to correct a deviated septum or severe cases of nasal polyps and other issues affecting breathing.

Plastic surgeries have now become more advanced and accurate as well. If you manage to find a good plastic surgeon with relevant experience, then you can opt for plastic surgeries for specific health conditions without any doubt. Most of them are also performed with minimal incisions in order to speed up the recovery process and reduce post-surgery complications.